Visualization and Analytical Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiation from Handheld Mobile Phones

Mobile communication is where signal is transferred via electromagnetic wave through radio frequency and microwave signals. This signal produced electromagnetic radiation in the form of thermal radiation that consists of harmful ionizing radiation and harmless non-ionizing radiation. When using mobile phone, electromagnetic wave is transferred to the body in the form of thermal radiation that might cause health problems especially at the place near ear skull region for a certain period of time (talking time or operation time). In this analysis, the simulation and experimental analysis are carried out to examine the effect of electromagnetic radiation towards design phantom (dry phantom), water molecules and human volunteer when using the mobile phone for 45 minutes talking hour. This analysis is conducted in an anechoic chamber. Simulation is done using MATLAB’s software to show the radiation produced by the mobile phone. In the experimental analysis, thermal imaging technique is used to monitor and capture temperature distribution towards design phantom and human head. Two different design of mobile phone are used with internal (built-in) and external monopole antenna serving two different GSM frequencies GSM 900 and GSM 1800. The results show that mobile phones produced electromagnetic radiation (thermal) towards human head with high radiation produced by mobile phone with external antenna serving for GSM 900 MHz.