Pattern mining algorithms are often much easier applied than quantitatively assessed. In this paper we address the pattern evaluation problem by looking at both the capability of models and the difficulty of target concepts. We use four different data mining models: frequent itemset mining, k-means clustering, hidden Markov model, and hierarchical hidden Markov model to mine 39 concept streams from the a 137-video broadcast news collection from TRECVID-2005. We hypothesize that the discovered patterns can reveal semantics beyond the input space, and thus evaluate the patterns against a much larger concept space containing 192 concepts defined by LSCOM. Results show that HHMM has the best average prediction among all models, however different models seem to excel in different concepts depending on the concept prior and the ontological relationship. Results also show that the majority of the target concepts are better predicted with temporal or combination hypotheses, and there are novel concepts found that are not part of the original lexicon. This paper presents the first effort on temporal pattern mining in the large concept space. There are many promising directions to use concept mining to help construct better concept detectors or to guide the design of multimedia ontology
Dong Xu,et al.
Columbia University TRECVID-2006 Video Search and High-Level Feature Extraction
Shih-Fu Chang,et al.
Unsupervised Mining of Statistical Temporal Structures in Video
Christian Petersohn.
Fraunhofer HHI at TRECVID 2004: Shot Boundary Detection System
Alexander G. Hauptmann,et al.
LSCOM Lexicon Definitions and Annotations (Version 1.0)
John R. Kender,et al.
Visual concepts for news story tracking: analyzing and exploiting the NIST TRESVID video annotation experiment
2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'05).
Lawrence R. Rabiner,et al.
A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition
Proc. IEEE.
John R. Smith,et al.
IBM Research TRECVID-2009 Video Retrieval System
Jian Pei,et al.
Mining Frequent Patterns without Candidate Generation: A Frequent-Pattern Tree Approach
Sixth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining - Workshops (ICDMW'06).