The Setting of Sipping Test Devices for Irradiated Fuel in Nuclear Power Plant

The sipping test devices are used to identify the defective fuel. The defective fuel can be identified by detecting the occurrence of the fission products that are entrained by the medium rising around the fuel rods. This project is the setting of the two kinds of the three sipping test devices to inspect the tightness of the irradiated fuel assembly from two units NPP (nuclear power plant). The in-mast sipping shared by two units is used for qualitative tightness test of each fuel assembly during refueling operation above the reactor. The two poolside sipping is used for quantitatively confirming the diagnosis of the in-mast sipping and identifying the tightness of the fuel at the side of the fuel storage pools of each unit after refueling. The project was implemented by research, design manufacture and calibration of these three devices and completed successfully with serious quality assurance and quality control. The performance of these devices is well demonstrated.