Free/Libre Open Source Quality Models-a comparison between two approaches

This paper presents a comparison of a first generat ion software quality model (OpenBRR) and a second generation software quality model (QualOSS) by applying them to the case of Asterisk, a FLOSS implementation of a telephone private branch exchan ge (PBX, VoIP). Examining the trends and evolution of software quality models and identifying differen c s in the approaches and assessment outcomes, the results indicate significant progress in the develo pment of open source quality models. However, it ap pe rs that tool support, which characterizes the second g eneration quality model, does not achieve to fully support the need for human interference. Therefore, future FLOSS quality models might call either for an even stronger reliance on tools and the abandonment of t he human factor, or for an effective integration of b th; the human factor and tools support. Effective, in t h s regard, means that the subjectivity aligned wit h human interference becomes marginal. At any rate, it appe rs that there is still a way to go.