Dynamic Security Assertion Markup Language: Simplifying Single Sign-On

Growth in the use of business process outsourcing and collaborative platforms is driving the demand for organizations to selectively share the identity information they maintain about their users with other partners. Widely accepted protocol such as the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) are designed to deliver single sign-on (SSO) and other security attributes, but although organizations can gain significant business value by using federated identity management techniques, they continue to face major implementation hurdles (such as wanting to scale from fewer than 10 partners to dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of them). Dynamic SAML takes advantage of security best practices and the exchange of configuration information to minimize the manual steps that administrators must currently perform to configure SAML connections securely. Although it isn't yet possible to completely automate a decision of human trust, dynamic SAML can automate the underlying exchanges to make this decision fast, simple, and secure.