11.264 Native VideoWatermarking Method
A novel video watermarking method isproposed,based onspread spectrum, andamodulated pseudo random whichcandirectly embeda watermark intoa bitstreampattern wasaddedontheDCTcoefficients. Theyalso raised generated byanH.264videoencoder. Watermarking to thedrift problem inaninter-frame prediction loopbetween a encoded dataprovides acontent provider offlexible capability videoencoderanda decoder, andproposed a drift toattach secret information, however itbrings adrift problem.compensation algorithm. However,thecompensation A drift compensation method hasbeenproposed, however it operation requires motion compensation andDCTtransform, requires manycomputations suchasDCT andmotion whichisalmost thesameasvideotranscoding. Alattar, et compensation. Therefore a newdrift compensation method * - al.(4) proposed asimilar watermarking method, inwhich an withspatiotemporal watermarking isproposed thatonly embedded watermark signal hasa kind ofgeometrical cancels theeffect oftheembedding onblocks withlittle motion.structure inorder toprovide resilience togeometrical attacks. Itachieves great reduction ofcomputation andrealizes fast Theembedding process isalmost the same as(3) withsome and highpicture quality watermarking. The computer . t