Assessment Of Research On Natural Hazards

This book was written with the objectives of (1) providing a more nearly balanced and comprehensive basis for judging the social utility of allocating funds and personnel for various types of research of geophysical hazards, and (2) stimulating, in the process of that analysis, a more systematic appraisal of research needs by scientific investigators in cooperation with the users of their findings. Chapter contains a summary of the authors' findings. Two main facts are pointed out: (1) the all-important social, economic and political "people" factors involved in hazards reduction have been largely ignored; and (2) right now, only a small proportion of all hazard-related research findings ever reach the general public. The summary of findings is then presented under the following headings: current status of natural hazards research in the United Statews; how research can improve our current situation; recommended research efforts; research needs common to most natural hazards; and research opportunities for specific hazards. Specific details about how the recommendations which are pointed out in chapter 1 were arrived at, and how they can be expected to curb sharply national losses caused by natural hazards are found in the succeeding chapters.