Internet as learning Tool: Indian Engineering student's perception

Our global economy now relies on brainpower and innovation rather than manual labor and raw material as a generator of wealth and good education has become the key element in determining the success of the countries. Over the last decade, t h e I T revolution has brought in advancement that shows increasingly visible effects on the education with the birth of online education. Students were among the first to realize the impact of the internet on their education. Invention of internet has removed all the barriers to learning. The scope of this paper is to analyze the north Indian engineering student's perception about internet as learning tool and effects of internet on them in perspective of their relations, education, entertainment and socialization. Technology can have both positive and negative consequences on people in different walks of life at different times. The need is to understand the true impact of it so that everybody gathers benefits that yield a healthy mind. In this paper, an empirical study is conducted to examine whether the contacts via e- mail, online chatting and availability of information through Internet would lead our students in a better learned and connected individual. Study also examines the kind of learning mode students prefer. These issues are explored in detail and suitable solutions are proposed to counter the negative effects of internet on students. Keyword: Internet, education, learning tool