Shelf-life of algin/calcium restructured turkey products held under aerobic and anaerobic conditions

The shelf-life of restructured products made with ground turkey or turkey breast pieces and formulated with combinations of 0.5–1.0% sodium alginate, 0.1–0.2% calcium carbonate and 0.15–0.30% lactate (ACL) was compared to product containing a combination of 1.4% NaCl and 0.32% sodium tripolyphosphate and to no-additive controls stored at 4°C under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. No significant (p > 0.05) differences were observed between ACL and salt/phosphate restructured turkey products in the rate and extent of growth of psychrotrophs or lactic acid bacteria. The salt/phosphate combination, however, repressed (p<0.05) the growth of pseudomonads. Overall, inclusion of ACL did not influence spoilage of restructured turkey meat products held under aerobic or anaerobic conditions.