ROUTING AT SEA--1857-1977

This paper deals with the following topics relative to ship routing. (1) Introduction which includes the development of ships' routing and traffic separation from 1857-1977, (2) Safety at Sea legislation; (3) changes in instrumentation and navigational practice; (4) The problem of traffic growth; (5) New environmental risks; (6) International solutions to navigational problems; (7) Ocean weather routing; (8) Ocean traffic separation; (9) Traffic separation in the Great Lakes; (10) Naval routing; (11) The origins of modern traffic separation in converging areas; (12) The Institutes' First working group on traffic separation; (13) The second working group on traffic separation; (14) Further developments in traffic separation; (15) The development of routing systems; (16) Ships' routing and the Rule of the Road; (17) The development of deep water routes; (18) Routing around and through fishing areas; (19) Routing to avoid specific areas; (20) Traffic flow in areas of offshore exploitation; (21) Traffic surveillance and information services; (22) Operational research for ships' routing; (23) The success of traffic separation, and (24) Conclusions.