Striplines for CLIC Pre-Damping and Damping Rings

The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) study explores the scheme for an electron-positron collider with high luminosity and a nominal centre-of-mass energy of 3 TeV: CLIC will complement LHC physics in the multi-TeV range. The CLIC design relies on the presence of Pre-Damping Rings (PDR) and Damping Rings (DR) to achieve, through synchrotron radiation, the very low emittance needed to fulfill the luminosity requirements. The specifications for the kicker systems are very challenging and include very low beam coupling impedance and excellent field homogeneity: striplines have been chosen for the kicker elements. Analytical calculations have been carried out to determine the effect of tapering upon the high frequency beam coupling impedance. In addition detailed numerical modeling of the field homogeneity has been performed and the sensitivity of the homogeneity to various parameters, including stripline cross-section, have been studied. This paper presents the main conclusions of the beam impedance calculations and field homogeneity predictions.