2010 Tracts joined to ACS 2009-2013 table: TOTAL ANCESTRY REPORTED
ARCGIS LYR File - ACS_B04003_AREA_TOTALANCESTRY: 2010 Census Tracts joined to B04003 business table. Business table is US Census American Community Survey (2009-2013) data table for: Ancestry subject area. Provides information about: TOTAL ANCESTRY REPORTED for the universe of: Total ancestry categories tallied for people with one or more ancestry categories reported. These data are extrapolated estimates only, based on sampling; they are not actual complete counts. This Layer File contains both the Estimate value in the E item for the census topic and an adjacent M item which defines the Margin of Error for the value. The Margin of Error is the plus/minus range for the item estimate value, where the range between the Estimate minus the Margin of Error and the Estimate plus the Margin of Error defines the 90% confidence interval of the item value. Many of the Margin of Error values are significant relative to the size of the Estimate value. This table contains 108 item(s) extracted from a larger sequence table. This extracted subset represents that portion of the sequence that is considered high priority. Other portions of this sequence that are not included can be identified in the data dictionary information provided in the Supplemental Information section below. This table information is also provided as a stand-alone table named: ACS_B04003_TOTALANCESTRY. Both the table and customized layer file name do not contain the year descriptor (i.e. 2009-2013) for the current ACS series. This is intentional in order to maintain the same table\layer file name in each successive ACS update. The alias of each item's (E)stimate and (M)easure of Error value stores the vintage information as beginning YY and ending YY, i.e., 'E0913' and 'M0913' followed by the rest of the alias name. In this way users of the data tables or layer files that support field aliases can determine which ACS series is being represented by the current table contents. The next 5-year sample of ACS, representing the current year minus 1, becomes available in December of each year. For example, the next series - 2010 through 2014 - will become available at the end of 2015. This data will be posted to the Spatial Data Warehouse by January, 2016. The previous series of data is retired to the Historical Data Library geodatabase (according to the ACS series end date) from where it can be accessed if needed.