Energy-management guidelines for rail-transit systems. Executive summary. Final report, 9 July 1984-30 October 1986
The cost of electricity is a significant portion of the operating costs of rail-transit systems. The impact of increasing energy costs is felt by those systems presently in operation and will be felt by those in the planning or construction phases. Concerned by rising energy costs, managers of several rail-transit authorities have established energy-management programs. The objectives of these programs are energy cost reduction and improved energy efficiency. Both goals enhance rail-transit productivity. As a rule, energy management can foster its largest payoff when it is initiated during the design and construction phase of a rail-transit system. The high dollar savings occur because low-energy-cost technology and operating practices can be engineered into the system at the outset. However, changes in technology and operations of present transit systems can also reduce the electric bill. Reduction of energy cost can be achieved through energy conservation, load management, and power-rate intervention. These guidelines describe the tools and methodologies for assessing energy-conservation strategies and power-rate-structure modifications.