Non-Functioning, Malignant Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor in a 16-Year-old Boy: A Case Report

Although various types of pancreatic neoplasms haveoften been studied, malignant pancreatic endocrinetumors in children have rarely been reported in themedical literature. We herein present the CT and MRimaging findings, including MR cholangiopancreati-cography (MRCP), of a nonfunctioning, malignantpancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (PNET) in a 16-year-old boy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the firstsuch report in the radiology literature regarding theimaging findings of a malignant endocrine tumor ofdetected in a child.Case Report A 16-year-old boy suffered from epigastric pain,radiating to the right upper quadrant of the abdomenfor one year. He visited a community clinic whereultrasound examination showed a mass-like lesion inthe head of the pancreas. He was referred to ourhospital for further study of the pancreas. On physicalexamination, a palpable abdominal mass was detectedin the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Thelaboratory studies including those regarding pancreaticenzymes and tumor markers, were within normallimits. JKSMRM 14:145-150(2010)