New Generation Vaccines

Vaccines and Vaccination in Historical Perspective, Myron M. Levine, Rosanna Lagos, and Jose' Esparza Developing Vaccines in the Era of Reverse Vaccinology, Rino Rappuoli, Gordon Dougan, and Isabel Delany Initial Clinical Evaluation of New Vaccine Candidates, Carol O. Tacket and Karen L. Kotloff Special Issues in Performing Vaccine Trials in Developing Countries, Milagritos D. Tapia, Karen L. Kotloff, Christopher V. Plowe, and Samba O. Sow Long-Term Evaluation of Vaccine Performance: Methodological, Issues for Phase III and Phase IV Studies, John D. Clemens, Abdollah Naficy, Malla R. Rao, and Hye-won Koo Ethical Considerations in the Conduct of Vaccine Trials in Developing Countries , Charles Weijer, Claudio F. Lanata, and Christopher V. Plowe Vaccine Economics: Assuring That Vaccines Are Developed for and Available in Developing Countries, Amie Batson and Piers Whitehead Development and Supply of Vaccines: An Industry Perspective, Michel Gre'co and Luc Hessel Reaching Every Child: Achieving Equity in Global Immunization, R. Bruce Aylward, B. Melgaard, M. Birmingham, J. Lloyd, R. Eggers, J. Bilous, and T. Cherian A Paradigm for International Cooperation: The GAVI Alliance, Lisa Jacobs Economic Analyses of Vaccines and Vaccination Programs, Benjamin Schwartz and Mark L. Messonier An Overview of U.S. Food and Drug Administration Licensure of Vaccines, Lydia A. Falk, Norman Baylor, and Karen Midthun Assuring Vaccine Quality by Strengthening Regulatory Agencies, The Work of the World Health Organization, Julie Milstien, Nora Dellepiane, Lahouari Belgharbi, Liliana Chocarro, and David Wood Vaccine Safety, Neal A. Halsey, Robert Ball, and Leslie K. Ball Manufacturing of Vaccines, Guido Dietrich, Julie Milstien, Suresh Jadhav, and Peter C. Stowe Polio Eradication: Ongoing Innovation to End an Ancient Scourge, R. Bruce Aylward, Stephen L. Cochi, and David L. Heymann Recent Advances in Immunology That Impact Vaccine Development, Marcelo B. Sztein, Rafi Ahmed, and Shane Crotty Modulating Vaccine Responses with Innate Immunity, Bali Pulendran, Jeff Powell, and Richard A. Flavell Immunodominance, Deceptive Imprinting, and Immune Refocusing Technology, Peter L. Nara and George Lin Standardization and High-Throughput Measurement of T-Cell Responses to Vaccines, Kent J. Weinhold and Janet S. Ottinger Transition to High-Throughput Laboratory Assays to Evaluate Multivalent Vaccines, Sandra Romero-Steiner, George M. Carlone, Helen Baxendale, and David Goldblatt The Challenge of Vaccine Protection in Very Young Infants, Claire-Anne Siegrist The Challenge of Inducing Vaccine Protection in the Elderly, Dietmar Herndler-Brandstetter, Angelika Schwanninger, and Beatrix Grubeck-Loebenstein Vaccination and Autoimmunity, Paul-Henri Lambert and Michel Goldman Adjuvants for the Future, Richard T. Kenney and Alan S. Cross TLR Agonists for Immune Enhancement of Vaccines, Heather L. Davis Use of Genetically or Chemically Detoxified Mutants of Cholera and Escherichia coli Heat-Labile Enterotoxins as Mucosal Adjuvants., Lucy C. Freytag, John D. Clements, Dubravka Grdic Eliasson, and Nils Lycke Recent Developments in Nonliving Antigen Delivery Systems, Derek T. O'Hagan Virus-Like Particles as Vaccines and Vaccine Delivery Systems, Kathrin U. Jansen, Margaret E. Conner, and Mary K. Estes Subunit Vaccines Produced Using Plant Biotechnology, Qiang Chen, Hugh S. Mason, Tsafrir Mor, Alec Sutherland, Guy A. Cardineau, Charles J. Arntzen, and Carol O. Tacket Lipopeptide-Based Vaccines, David C. Jackson, Brendon Y. Chua, Lorena E. Brown, Peter Moyle, and Istvan Toth Vaccines Based on Dendritic Cell Biology, Silvia B. Boscardin, Michel C. Nussenzweig, Christine Trumpfheller, and Ralph M. Steinman Vaccinia Virus and Other Poxviruses as Live Vectors, Bernard Moss Replication-Defective and Competent Adenovirus Recombinants as Vaccine Vectors, Marjorie Robert-Guroff, Gary J. Nabel, and John W. Shiver RNA Virus Replicon Vaccines, Nancy L. Davis and Robert E. Johnston Engineering of Attenuated Salmonella enterica Serovars for Use as Live Vector Vaccines, James E. Galen, Marcela F. Pasetti, Sharon Tennant, Marcelo B. Sztein, and Myron M. Levine DNA Vaccines, Gary J. Nabel, David C. Kaslow, Jeffrey B. Ulmer, and Margaret A. Liu Overview of Heterologous Prime-Boost Immunization Strategies, Helen McShane, Adrian V. S. Hill, and Andrew McMichael Mucosal Immunization and Needle-Free Injection Devices, Jakub K. Simon, Myron M. Levine, Bruce G. Weniger, and Ana M. H. Restrepo Advances in Transcutaneous Vaccine Delivery, Robert C. Seid, Jr. and Gregory M. Glenn Rationalizing Childhood Immunization Programs: The Variation in Schedules and Use of Combination Vaccines, Andrew J. Pollard, Kathryn M. Edwards, and Bernard Fritzell Meningococcal Conjugate and Protein-Based Vaccines, Andrew J. Pollard, E. Richard Moxon, and Rino Rappuoli Post-Licensure Impact of Haemophilus influenzae Type b and Serogroup C Neisseria meningitidis Conjugate Vaccines in Industrialized Countries, Elizabeth Miller, Helen Campbell, and Mary Ramsay Haemophilus influenzae Type b Disease Burden and the Impact of Programmatic Infant Immunization in Developing Countries, Richard A. Adegbola, Samba O. Sow, and J. Anthony G. Scott Pneumococcal Protein-Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccines, Cynthia G. Whitney and Orin S. Levine Pneumococcal Common Proteins and Other Vaccine Strategies, David E. Briles, James C. Paton, Susan K. Hollingshead, and John W. Boslego Polysaccharide-Based Conjugate Vaccines for Enteric Bacterial Infections: Typhoid Fever, Nontyphoidal Salmonellosis, and Escherichia coli O:H, Shousun C. Szu, John. B. Robbins, Rachel Schneerson, and F.-Y. Lin Attenuated Strains of Salmonella enterica Serovars Typhi and Paratyphi as Live Oral Vaccines Against Enteric Fever, Myron M. Levine, James E. Galen, Marcela F. Pasetti, and Marcelo B. Sztein Oral Cholera Vaccines, Jan Holmgren and James B. Kaper Novel Vaccines Against Tuberculosis, Marcus A. Horwitz, Peter Andersen, and Stefan H. E. Kaufmann Influenza, John Treanor, Wendy Keitel, and Iain Stephenson Chimeric Vaccines Against Japanese Encephalitis, Dengue, and West Nile, Konstantin V. Pugachev, Farshad Guirakhoo, Dennis W. Trent, and Thomas P. Monath Vaccines Against Rotavirus Gastroenteritis, Richard L. Ward, H. Fred Clark, Paul A. Offit, Umesh D. Parashar, and Roger I. Glass Novel Strategies for Immunizing Infants in Developing Countries Who Are Too Young to Receive the Currently Licensed Measles Vaccines, Marcela F. Pasetti, Karina Ramirez, Karen L. Kotloff, Eileen M. Barry, and Myron M. Levine Challenges and Prospects for the Development of an HIV Vaccine, Barney S. Graham and Gary J. Nabel Vaccine Strategies to Prevent Dengue, Robert Edelman, Stephen S. Whitehead, and David W. Vaughn Vaccination Against the Hepatitis C Virus, Sergio Abrignani, Raffaele De Francesco, and Michael Houghton Vaccines Against Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Parainfluenza Viruses, Alexander Schmidt, Emmalene Bartlett, Anne Schaap-Nutt, Peter L. Collins, Brian R. Murphy, and Ruth Karron Cytomegalovirus Vaccines, David I. Bernstein and Stanley A. Plotkin Epstein-Barr Virus Vaccines, Viviana P. Lutzky and Denis J. Moss Herpes Simplex Vaccines, David M. Koelle, Lawrence R. Stanberry, Reuben S. Carpenter, and Richard J. Whitley Development of Vaccines to Prevent Group A Streptococcal Infections and Rheumatic Fever, J. B. Dale, M. Batzloff, Michael F. Good, J. McCarthy, J. R. Carapetis, P. P. Cleary, V. Fischetti, and J. Zabriski Vaccines Against Group B Streptococcus, Morven S. Edwards, Carol J. Baker, and Lawrence C. Paoletti Overview of Live and Subcellular Vaccine Strategies Against Shigella,.Karen L. Kotloff, Eileen M. Barry, Myron M. Levine, Thomas L. Hale, and Philippe Sansonetti Vaccines Against Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Ann-Mari Svennerholm and Gregory Glenn Multivalent Shigella Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Vaccine, Eileen M. Barry and Myron M. Levine Vaccines for Staphylococcus aureus Infections, Juliane Bubeck Wardenburg, Dominique Missiakas, and Olaf Schneewind Chlamydia trachomatis Vaccines, Renata Grifantini and Guido Grandi Malaria Vaccines in Clinical Development: Introduction and Recombinant/Subunit Approaches, Laura B. Martin, Robert W. Sauerwein, Teun Bousema, David E. Lanar, and Thomas L. Richie Gene-Based Malaria Vaccines, Adrian V. S. Hill Pre-erythrocytic and Asexual Erythrocytic Stage Whole-Organism Malaria Vaccines, Stephen L. Hoffman, B. Kim Lee Sim, Adam Richman, Alberto Pinzon-Charry, Michael F. Good, and J. McCarthy Vaccines Against Leishmania, Farrokh Modabber, Rhea Coler, and Steven G. Reed Vaccines Against Schistosomiasis, Alex Loukas, Jeffrey M. Bethony, Andre' Capron, and Donald P. McManus Vaccines Against Entamoeba histolytica, Christopher D. Huston and William A. Petri, Jr. Hookworm Vaccines, Jeffrey M. Bethony, Maria Elena Bottazzi, Ami Shah Brown, David Diemert, Peter Hotez, and Alex Loukas Improved Smallpox Vaccines, Matthew E. Cohen and Stuart N. Isaacs Anthrax Vaccines, Arthur M. Friedlander, Stephen F. Little, and Marc Gurwith Tularemia Vaccines, Alan S. Cross and Eileen M. Barry Vaccines Against Plague, Scott A. Lloyd Development of Vaccines for Ebola and Marburg Viruses: Efficacy and Regulatory Considerations, Gary J. Nabel Therapeutics and Vaccines Against Hendra and Nipah Viruses, Christopher C. Broder Vaccines Against Lassa Fever, Maria S. Salvato and Igor S. Lukashevich Hantavirus Vaccines, Christopher D. Hammerbeck and Jay W. Hooper SARS Vaccines, Kanta Subbarao Cancer-Specific Vaccines, Drew Pardoll Vaccines Against Human Papillomaviruses, Kathrin U. Jansen and Ian H. Frazer Vaccines Against Alzheimer's and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases, Roy M. Robins-Browne and Colin L. Masters Vaccination for Autoimmune and Other Chronic, Inflammatory Disorders, Leonard C. Harrison Immunotherapies To Treat Drug Addiction., Paul R. Pentel, Dan E. Keyler, and Thomas R. Kosten Index