1기 신도시 고층고밀 아파트단지의 재생을 위한 개발현황 분석에 관한 연구

High-rise and high-density apartment complexes have been built and supplied on a large scale in the 1st period New Town of metropolitan areas since the late 1980s. Recently it has become necessary to improve those apartment complexes which have blight problems for aging more than about 20 years accompanying simultaneity and a large scale. The purpose of this study is to analyze actual conditions of high-rise and high-density apartments in a view of sustainable regeneration. The contents and methods of this study are as follows. First, the concept of high-rise and high-density in domestic apartment developments were identified through review of literature and the law. Second, development conditions of Bundang new town and 1st period new town were studied. Third, the development conditions of high-rise and high-density apartments in cases of 6 apartment complexes were analyzed from points of view of sustainable development by literature review and a field study. The results of this study are as follows. First, high-density range in domestic apartments can be conceptualized as 600 persons/ha. High-rise range in domestic apartments can be conceptualized as more than 11 stories under 30 stories. Second, characteristics and subjects based on actual conditions analysis could suggest on physio-environmental aspect and socio-economic aspect. Major characteristics and subjects of the physio-environmental aspect were 1.satisfaction of convenient facilities and public transportation service, 2.shortage of parking space, 3.uniform & blight of community facilities, 4.uniformed building layout, and 5.uniform pattern of unit plan and low flexibility by the bearing wall structure. And those of the socio-economical aspect were 1.satisfaction of current community, 2.increase and diversity of needs of the elderly by socio-demography change, 3.improvement of size and method of apartment complex development and 4.raising of economic-sufficiency.