A quantum effect is an operator A on a complex Hilbert space H that satisfies 0⩽A⩽I. We denote the set of quantum effects by E(H). The set of self-adjoint projection operators on H corresponds to sharp effects and is denoted by P(H). We define the sequential product of A,B∈E(H) by A∘B=A1/2BA1/2. The main purpose of this article is to study some of the algebraic properties of the sequential product. Many of our results show that algebraic conditions on A∘B imply that A and B commute for the usual operator product. For example, if A∘B satisfies certain distributive or associative laws, then AB=BA. Moreover, if A∘B∈P(H), then AB=BA and A∘B=B or B∘A=B if and only if AB=BA=B. A natural definition of stochastic independence is introduced and briefly studied.
Marian Grabowski,et al.
Operational Quantum Physics
E. B. Davies.
Quantum theory of open systems
Paul Busch,et al.
Lüders theorem for unsharp quantum measurements
A histories approach to quantum mechanics
Sequentially independent effects
J. Neumann.
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
P. Busch,et al.
The quantum theory of measurement