First-order adaptive system for correction of images in solar ground-based telescopes

The possibility of applying adaptive-optics devices to ground- based solar astronomy and high-resolution spectroscopy is considered. Due to atmospheric turbulence the resolution of ground-based solar telescopes are limited to 1 arcsec on the average with short period of subarcsecond resolution at good sites. Application of adaptive correction is a ground-based telescope to improve image quality is possible to improve whole performance of telescope to obtain images with resolution about 0.3' and to improve resolution for spectral measurements of the Sun. Adaptive Optics represent a visible tool for increasing the resolution of ground-based telescopes to the level that will be needed to understand the physical processes occurring on the Sun. An experimental adaptive- optics system for image stabilization is described, as well as the results of its tests. Different ways of the further development of the adaptive-optics system for use in the Big Solar Vacuum Telescope (BSVT) of the Baikal Astrophysical Observatory are discussed.