Practical Remarks on Gout, Rheumatic Fever, and Chronic Rheumatism of the Joints; Being the Substance of the Croonian Lectures for the Present Year, Delivered at the College of Physicians

Practical Remarks on Gout, Rheumatic Fever, and Chronic Rheumatism of the Joints; being the substance of the Croonian Lectures for the present year, delivered at the College of Physicians. By Robert Bentley Todd, m.d. f.r.s., Physician to the King's College Hospital, and Professor of Physiology in King's College, London.?London, 1843. Post 8vo, pp. 216. We did not expect, when we recently addressed ourselves to the subject of gout and the disorders connected with it, to be so soon called upon to return to the consideration of the numerous and interesting questions it involves ; but, desirous as we are to give our humble aid in forwarding any attempt to place pathology upon its true basis, and believing, as we do, that no disease can be so advantageously studied with this object as the one to which we now again invite the attention of our readers, we shall offer no apology for recurring to it. Indeed, the respectability of the authority from which the present treatise emanates, would of itself give to it strong claims on our attention, and on that of our readers. The author's purpose in laying his Croonian lectures before the public shall be stated in his own words.