엔드플레이트 기둥-보 접합부의 연성능력 확보에 관한 해석적 연구
End-plate connections are connections of which end-plates is shop-welded to the end of the beam and is fixed with bolts on the site. These connections are widely used in European countries and USA, and its design and connection details are proposed in Eurocode 3, AISC LRFD, and FEMA 350. Korea has recently introduced the US IBC criteria to enhance its seismic design criteria specified in KBC 2005. Further introduction of the US connection details is expected in the design criteria for beam?column connections to ensure and establish a better seismic performance. In the UScriteriadetail for end-plate connection, the size of the beam is controlled by guiding failure type of the beam for connections and thicker end-plate is used, which presents an over-design problem when used in Korea, a country lying in a low-to-moderate seismic region. Accordingly, end-plate connection design criteria in FEMA-350, and US were analyzed in this paper to propose an appropriate end-plate connection for the Korean seismic condition. Also, in this study after completion of finite element analysis model(ANSYS 9.0) and evaluation of strength, stiffeness through variation of End-plate thickness we make full use of basis materials when End-plate beam-to-column connections design plan is established from now on.