Kronos Observatory Operations Challenges in a Lean Environment

Kronos is a multiwavelength observatory designed to map the accretion disks and environments of supermassive black holes in various environments using the natural intrinsic variability of the accretion-driven sources. Kronos is envisaged as a Medium Explorer mission to NASA Office of Space Science under the Structure and Evolution of the Universe theme. We will achieve the Kronos science objectives by developing cost-effective techniques for obtaining and assimilating data from the research spacecraft and its subsequent work on the ground. The science operations assumptions for the mission are: (1 Need for flexible scheduling due to the variable nature of targets, (2) Large data volumes but minimal ground station contact, (3) Very small staff for operations. Our first assumption implies that we will have to consider an effective strategy to dynamically reprioritize the observing schedule to maximize science data acquisition. The flexibility we seek greatly increases the science return of the mission, because variability events can be properly captured. Our second assumption implies that we will have to develop some basic on-board analysis strategies to determine which data get downloaded. The small size of the operations staff implies that we need to "automate" as many routine processes of science operations as possible. In this paper we will discuss the various solutions that we are considering to optimize our operations and maximize science returns on the observatory.