Lead in house dust: relationships between exposure metrics.

This paper examines the quantitative relationships between dust loading, lead loading, and lead concentration in house dust. Bare floor, interior sill, and carpet dust samples were collected in 216 Jersey City, New Jersey, homes using quantitative wipe and vacuum sampling techniques. Comparison of wipe and vacuum sample distributions for these homes indicated that lead loading was more variable than dust loading or lead concentration measured on floors, sills, or carpets. These data also indicated that increased lead loading on carpets relative to sills or floors was due to higher dust loading on carpets. Correlation analysis of wipe samples indicated that dust loading was more strongly correlated with lead loading on floors (r = 0.73) than on sills (r = 0.53), that dust loading was not correlated with lead concentration on either surface, and that lead loading and lead concentration were more strongly correlated in samples collected from sills (r = 0.81) than from floors (r = 0.65). Most importantly, carpets and rugs served as large reservoirs for house dust and consequently were a large potential source of dust exposure in children's common microenvironments.