Effects of quality antecedents on e-learning acceptance

Purpose – The main purpose of this study is to examine whether quality factors as the antecedents to learner beliefs can affect learners' intention to use an e‐learning system.Design/methodology/approach – This study gathered sample data from eight high‐tech companies in Taiwan. A total of 680 questionnaires were randomly distributed, 522 questionnaires were returned for a response rate of 76.76 percent, and 483 usable questionnaires were analyzed, with a usable response rate of 71.03 percent. Data were analyzed by using structural equation modeling.Findings – Information quality, service quality, system quality, and instructor quality, as the antecedents of e‐learning acceptance can provide detailed accounts of the key forces underpinning employees' perception with regard to their beliefs (i.e. perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived enjoyment), and this situation can further enhance employees' usage intention of the e‐learning system.Originality/value – Based on the extended technolog...

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