Ion cyclotron resonance heating scenarios for DEMO

The present paper offers an overview of the potential of ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) or radio frequency heating for the DEMO machine. It is found that various suitable heating schemes are available. Similar to ITER and in view of the limited bandwidth of about 10 MHz that can be achieved to ensure optimal functioning of the launcher, it is proposed to make core second harmonic tritium heating the key ion heating scheme, assisted by fundamental cyclotron heating 3He in the early phase of the discharge; for the present design of DEMO—with a static magnetic field strength of Bo  =  5.855 T—that places the T and 3He layers in the core for f   =  60 MHz and suggests centering the bandwidth around that main operating frequency. In line with earlier studies for hot, dense plasmas in large-size magnetic confinement machines, it is shown that good single pass absorption is achieved but that the size as well as the operating density and temperature of the machine cause the electrons to absorb a non-negligible fraction of the power away from the core when core ion heating is aimed at. Current drive and alternative heating options are briefly discussed and a dedicated computation is done for the traveling wave antenna, proposed for DEMO in view of its compatibility with substantial antenna–plasma distances. The various tasks that ICRH can fulfill are briefly listed. Finally, the impact of transport and the sensitivity of the obtained results to changes in the machine parameters is commented on.

Rohde | Bobkov | H. T. Kim | Afanasev | Amosov | Aslanyan | Basiuk | J. K. Blackburn | Braic | B. B. Carvalho | Coccorese | Cocilovo | Demerdzhiev | A. L. Esquisabel | Fuchs | Goloborod'ko | T. M. Huddleston | Kazantzidis | Kiptily | Krasilnikov | Lutsenko | J. R. Martin-Solis | I. G. Miron | Moiseenko | Naulin | Nesenevich | Parail | Pericoli | Petrzilka | Philipps | Plyusnin | Prajapati | P. A. Simmons | Skvara | Dean A. J. Whittaker | Yavorskij | Zoita | A. M. Edwards | J. Karhunen | Philip Smith | P. Arena | L. Fortuna | Z. Vizvary | G. Ambrosino | J. Weiland | Š. Matejčík | L. Zakharov | R. Budny | F. Felici | O. Sauter | J. Vega | A. Murari | R. Felton | B. Duval | J. Stober | M. Bucolo | D. Falie | J. Svensson | G. Rattá | E. Zilli | H. Koslowski | P. McCarthy | B. Cannas | A. Fanni | G. Pautasso | G. Sias | P. Sonato | J. Goff | J. Citrin | S. Breton | J. Artaud | C. Bourdelle | Y. Camenen | F. Clairet | R. Sabot | P. Gaudio | M. Gelfusa | I. Lupelli | M. Kotschenreuther | G. Hogeweij | R. Guirlet | T. Tala | T. Osborne | L. Horton | T. Luce | C. Roach | G. Saibene | R. Sartori | A. Sips | M. Beurskens | F. Crisanti | C. Giroud | J. Hobirk | D. Hatch | P. Gohil | Robert D. Johnson | M. Romanelli | A. Malizia | F. Belli | R. Goulding | D. Coster | X. Bonnin | J. Schweinzer | A. Burckhart | R. Dux | A. Kallenbach | P. Lang | A. Hubbard | P. Lomas | E. D. L. Luna | I. Nunes | F. Koechl | A. Loarte | D. McDonald | G. Calabrò | I. Day | T. Eich | M. Lennholm | J. Lonnroth | C. Maggi | W. Studholme | I. Voitsekhovitch | K. Zastrow | E. Wolfrum | L. Frassinetti | B. Alper | C. Angioni | S. Brezinsek | P. Buratti | C. Challis | J. Flanagan | E. Giovannozzi | M. Groth | M. Leyland | M. Kempenaars | P. Mantica | M. Maslov | G. Matthews | M. Mayoral | R. Neu | F. Rimini | S. Saarelma | R. Scannell | E. Solano | P. D. Vries | N. Ashikawa | M. Frasca | A. Buscarino | A. Cardinali | D. Carnevale | K. Hizanidis | P. Huynh | L. Colas | R. Dumont | F. Köchl | X. Litaudon | L. Baylor | M. Goniche | T. Hellsten | L. Eriksson | D. Mazon | P. Strand | H. Nordman | Y. Corre | T. Loarer | S. Vartanian | C. Sozzi | A. Field | J. Ongena | D. V. Eester | M. Mantsinen | N. Hawkes | S. Pinches | S. Sharapov | L. Garzotti | G. Corrigan | J. Ferreira | M. Valovič | S. Wiesen | M. Wischmeier | R. Zagórski | Y. Baranov | C. Castaldo | D. Frigione | J. Mailloux | M. Zerbini | A. Sirinelli | T. Hender | A. Lazaros | W. Zwingmann | J. Wilson | B. Grierson | K. McClements | P. Trimble | M. Ariola | R. Ambrosino | H. Urano | R. Leach | K. Bell | R. King | D. Ćirić | R. Albanese | G. Rubinacci | R. Fresa | R. Martone | G. Ellwood | D. Yadikin | R. Paccagnella | T. Bolzonella | M. Cecconello | G. Manduchi | N. Asakura | A. Fasoli | B. Lipschultz | M. Okabayashi | M. Chernyshova | G. Stankūnas | P. Blatchford | I. Calvo | R. Lucock | A. Chiariello | F. Villone | A. Muir | A. Vadgama | M. Enachescu | D. Tskhakaya | S. Carcangiu | T. Johnson | M. Marinelli | G. Prestopino | C. Verona | A. Formisano | J. Linke | K. Nordlund | T. Ahlgren | M. Balden | M. Gilbert | H. Greuner | K. Heinola | C. Linsmeier | H. Maier | G. Pintsuk | P. Petersson | A. Pironti | G. Masi | F. Keenan | T. Kobuchi | D. Iglesias | U. Fischer | J. Coenen | Y. Hatano | M. Mattei | A. Rakha | P. Vondracek | G. Chitarin | N. Marconato | C. Watts | R. Vale | X. Lefebvre | A. Petre | M. Turner | N. Pomaro | F. Pisano | P. Bohm | G. Possnert | S. Futatani | M. Sibbald | L. Li | M. Vlad | F. Spineanu | H. Strauss | E. Lazzaro | M. Nave | A. Kirk | I. Chapman | A. Thornton | L. Figini | T. O'Gorman | K. Gibson | S. Romanelli | G. Gervasini | M. Riva | S. Silburn | J. Harrison | Erik Fransson | H. Sun | D. Primetzhofer | R. Mooney | E. Alves | D. Darrow | M. O'Mullane | P. Heesterman | A. Meigs | T. Suzuki | E. Viezzer | Y. Kominis | T. Kaltiaisenaho | R. Pitts | M. Brombin | K. Mergia | D. Voltolina | R. Cavazzana | D. Moulton | R. Maingi | S. Medley | C. Chang | P. Pool | G. 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