Improving the MLS Through Enhanced Cockpit Displays
The microwave landing system represents a major advancement in accurate, highly flexible positioning systems permitting the precise definition of curved approach paths. However, the exploitation of these capabilities also requires a comparable advancement in the presentation of information to the pilot. This paper presents a simulator investigation of various prediction and quickening algorithms in computer generated forward-looking displays to improve manual aircraft control on curved MLS approaches. Results indicate that second- and third-order predictor displays provide the best lateral performance. Intermediate levels of prediction and quickening provide best vertical control. Prediction/quickening algorithms of increasing computational order significantly reduce aileron, rudder, and elevator control responses, reflecting successive reductions in cockpit workload. Whereas conventional crosspointer displays are not adequate for manual control during curved landing approaches, perspective displays with predictors and some quickening in the vertical dimension only are highly effective. Additional research is needed to optimize the display for vertical control.