Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation combined with multiple anti-HIV-1 treatment in a case of AIDS.

A 25-year-old woman with AIDS was submitted to HLA-identical allogeneic BMT after cytoablation with busulphan and cyclophosphamide and combined anti-HIV-1 therapy with zidovudine, IFN-alpha 2 and anti-HIV-1-specific T cell clones. Marrow engraftment occurred after 18 days and tests for HIV-1 were negative after 30 days but the hematologic reconstitution of the patient was poor. A second BM infusion from the same donor was ineffective and treatment with GM-CSF only induced a transient increase of the blood cell count, suggesting iatrogenic damage to the BM microenvironment. The development of ARDS led to the death of the patient 10 months after transplantation. Post-mortem investigation did not reveal any active infections and PCR on autopsy tissues was negative for HIV-1.