New Efficiency Frontiers with Wafer-Bonded Multi-Junction Solar Cells.

Triple-junction (3J) solar cells will soon be history. The next generation of multi-junction (MJ) devices are now reaching efficiencies far beyond the record levels of 3J cells on Germanium. In this paper we present results of a 4J wafer-bonded solar cell with bandgaps 1.88 / 1.45 // 1.10 / 0.73 eV measured with an improved efficiency of 46.5% at 324x by Fraunhofer ISE. Design for cost has, from the outset, been a priority with the development of engineered substrates to replace costly and low yielding InP substrates, a product building on Soitec’s proprietary SmartCut technology. Wafer bonding enables the electro-mechanical combination of lattice and thermal expansion mismatched materials with electrically conductive, transparent bonds, enabling concentrator solar cells to be built from high quality 2J GaInP/GaAs absorbers lattice-matched to GaAs bonded to high quality 2J GaInPAs/GaInAs absorbers lattice matched to InP that operate well at high concentration.