Linking cropland ecosystem services to microbiome taxonomic composition and functional composition in a sandy loam soil with 28-year organic and inorganic fertilizer regimes

Abstract The ability of soil microorganisms to uphold a variety of ecosystem services is of increasing interest, but our understanding of the linkage between cropland ecosystem services and the soil microbiome under long-term different fertilizer regimes is still limited. Here, we measured 15 response variables commonly used as indicators of cropland ecosystem services, and employed a shotgun metagenomic sequencing technology to determine microbiome taxonomic composition and functional composition in a sandy loam soil amended with organic and inorganic fertilizers for 28 years. Long-term application of fertilizers had overall positive effects on the variables that indicate soil C and nutrient status, organic material decomposition, nutrient transformation, and plant productivity, but the strength of these effects differed between organic and inorganic fertilization. In long term, organic fertilizers significantly increased the abundance of Sphingomonas and Acidobacteria as well as genes involved in C and N metabolism and degradation of aromatic organic compounds. The observed differences in the indicators of overall biological activity, litter decomposition, nutrient transformation, cropland fertility and productivity were associated with changes in taxonomic composition and functional composition of the soil microbiome. Network analysis revealed that soil organic C, total N, L-leucine aminopeptidase, phosphatase, microbial biomass C and N, and the multifunctionality index showed strong positive associations with Acidobacterium, Lysobacter and Nitrososphaera. These microbes are implicated in the decomposition of organic material, soil C and N transformation, and plant growth promotion. The present study deepens our understanding of the relationship between the soil microbiome and agro-ecosystem functioning, and provides support for the use of organic fertilization strategy to enhance multiple ecosystem services in croplands.

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