Multiculturalism and International Law: Essays in Honour of Edward Mcwhinney

PREFACE by the Editors AVANT-PROPOS par Boutros Boutros-Ghali FOREWORD by Shigeru Oda E. McWhinney: Biography Bibliography Multiculturalism and General Theories of International Law J.-Y. Morin : L'ordre juridique international et l'ethique du bien commun dans l'ere de la mondialisation R. Mullerson: From E Unum Pluribus to E Pluribus Unum in the Journey from an African Village to a Global Village? Duan Jielong: The Concept of the "Harmonious World": An Important Contribution to International Relations H. Kochler: Civilization and World Order: The Relevance of the Civilizational Paradigm in Contemporary International Law A. G. Koroma: International Law and Multiculturalism H. Thirlway: Reflections on Multiculturalism and International Law V.S. Vereshchetin: Cultural and Ideological Pluralism and International Law: Revisited 20 Years on M. Rama-Montaldo: Universalism and Particularisms in the Creation Process of International Law J. van Aggelen: The Shift in the Perception of Multiculturalism at the United Nations since 1945 K. Doehring: Democracy and International Law S. Yee: The Intrinsic and Instrumental Values of Diversity: Some Philosophical and Legal Considerations Multiculturalism and International Organizations and Courts C. Dominice: Federalisme et mise en oeuvre du droit international S. Talmon: Participation of UN Member States in the Work of the Organization: A Multicultural Alternative to Present-Day Regionalism? B. Vukas: Some Provisions of the Statute of the International Court of Justice which Deserve Amendments M. Kawano: The Administration of Justice by the International Court of Justice and the Parties S. Sucharitkul: Legal Multiculturalism and the International Law Commission P. Kirsch: The International Criminal Court: Building on the Principal Legal Systems of the World N. Ando: Multiculturalism and the Human Rights Committee B. S. Brown: Multiculturalism and the Bretton Woods Institutions W. E. Holder: International Organizations and Governance of the International Monetary Fund D. Vignes: L'Union europeenne, acteur civil et militaire dans la gestion des crises internationales: la PESD, politique europeenne de securite et de defense L. Galenskaya: The International Institutional System and International Non-Governmental Organizations Multiculturalism and the Progressive Development in Substantive International Law S. Murase: Unilateral Responses to International Terrorism: Self-defense or Law Enforcement? P. H. Kooijmans: The Legality of the Use of Force in the Recent Case Law of the International Court of Justice R. Bernhardt: International Protection of Human Rights: Universalism and Regionalism A. A. Cancado Trindade: The Right to Cultural Identity in the Evolving Jurisprudential Construction of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights C. F.J. Doebbler: Danish Cartoons: Freedom of Speech versus Freedom of Religion? V.-D. Degan: Two Faces of Multiculturalism in Present International Law R. Wolfrum: Kosovo: Some Thoughts on its Future Status B. Aurescu: Minorities in Europe: Recent Trends M. Clech Lam: We the [Indigenous] Peoples of the United Nations M. Bothe: Multiculturalism and the Development of International Humanitarian Law Bing Bing Jia: Multiculturalism and the Development of the System of International Criminal Law C. Osborn Wright: Toward a New Cultural Exemption in the WTO M. Ragazzi: Multiculturalism and Church-State Concordats D. Turp: Le consentement de l'Etat du Quebec aux engagements internationaux et sa participation aux forums internationaux INDEX THE CONTRIBUTORS