CHIC: a combination-based recommendation system

Current recommender systems are focused largely on recommending items based on similarity. For instance, Netflix can recommend movies similar to previously viewed movies, and Amazon can recommend items based on ratings of similar users. Although similarity-based recommendation works well for books and movies, it provides an incomplete solution for items such as clothing or furniture which are inherently used in combination with other items of the same type, e.g., shirt with pants, and desk with a chair. As a result, the decision to buy a clothing or furniture item depends not only on the item itself, but also on how well it works with other items of that type. Recommending such items therefore requires a combination-based recommendation system that given an item, can suggest interesting and diverse combinations containing that item. This problem is challenging because features affecting combination quality are often difficult to identify; quality, being a function of all items in the combination, cannot be computed independently; and there are an exponential number of combinations to explore. In this demonstration, we present CHIC, a first-of-its-kind, combination-based recommendation system for clothing. The audience will interact with our system through the CHIC mobile app which allows the user to take a picture of a clothing item and search for interesting combinations containing the item instantly. The audience can also compete with CHIC to create alternate ensembles and compare quality. Finally, we highlight via visualizations the core modules of CHIC including model building and our novel search and classification algorithm, C-Search.