As a featured function of search engine, clustering display of search results has been proved an efficient way to organize the web resource. However, for a given query, clustering results reached by any user are totally identical. In this paper, we explored a user-friendly clustering scheme that automatically learns users’ interests and accordingly generates interest-centric clustering. The basis of this personal clustering is a keyword based topic identifier. Trained by users’ individual search histories, the identifier provides most of personal topics. Each topic will be the clustering center of the retrieved pages. The scheme proposed distinguishes the functionality of clustering from that of topic identification, which makes the clustering more personal and flexible. To evaluate the proposed scheme, we experimented with sets of synthetic data. The experimental results prove it an effective scheme for search results clustering.
W. Scott Spangler,et al.
Clustering hypertext with applications to web searching
Yanchun Zhang,et al.
Utilizing Hyperlink Transitivity to Improve Web Page Clustering
Martin Ester,et al.
Frequent term-based text clustering
Doug Beeferman,et al.
Agglomerative clustering of a search engine query log
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Using navigation data to improve IR functions in the context of web search
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Jian Pei,et al.
CLOSET+: searching for the best strategies for mining frequent closed itemsets
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