ECC over RSA for Asymmetric Encryption: A Review

Cryptography is used to transmit the data securely in open network. This paper gives the survey of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (ECC) used in many applications. ECC is a when compared to RSA and discrete logarithm systems, is a better option for the future. For this reason ECC is such an excellent choice for doing asymmetric cryptography in portable devices right now. The smaller ECC keys it turn makes the cryptographic operations that must be performed by the communicating devices to be embedded into considerably smaller hardware, so that software applications may complete cryptographic operations with fewer processor cycles, and operations can be performed much faster, while still retaining equivalent security. This means, in turn, reduced power consumption, less space consumed on the printed circuit board, and software applications that run more rapidly make lower memory demands. In brief, for communication using smaller devices and asymmetric cryptosystem we need ECC.