Multiple hamartomas of the breast.

We report the unusual case of two distinct hamartomas in one of the breasts of a 20-year-old woman. Hamartoma (adenolipoma, fibroadenolipoma, lipofibroadenoma) of the breast, a rare benign lesion, occurs in females. It is unilateral and displays an organoid structure. It is composed of lactiferous ducts, mammary glands, and connective and fatty tissue, surrounded by a pseudocapsule. It causes enlargement of the breast, usually without localized lesion on palpation. Mammographic and intraoperative findings, however, are characteristic. As the microscopic features of hamartoma are similar to those of other related benign lesions of the breast, diagnosis may be difficult by histologic examination alone; in addition, knowledge of radiologic, surgical and clinical findings may be required.