Beyond Fine-Tuning: Transferring Behavior in Reinforcement Learning

Designing agents that acquire knowledge autonomously and use it to solve new tasks efficiently is an important challenge in reinforcement learning. Knowledge acquired during an unsupervised pre-training phase is often transferred by finetuning neural network weights once rewards are exposed, as is common practice in supervised domains. Given the nature of the reinforcement learning problem, we argue that standard fine-tuning strategies alone are not enough for efficient transfer in challenging domains. We introduce Behavior Transfer (BT), a technique that leverages pre-trained policies for exploration and that is complementary to transferring neural network weights. Our experiments show that, when combined with large-scale pre-training in the absence of rewards, existing intrinsic motivation objectives can lead to the emergence of complex behaviors. These pre-trained policies can then be leveraged by BT to discover better solutions than without pre-training, and combining BT with standard fine-tuning strategies results in additional benefits. The largest gains are generally observed in domains requiring structured exploration, including settings where the behavior of the pre-trained policies is misaligned with the downstream task.

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