By-Product Gases Utilization Mode and Eco-Industrial Transformation Conception for New Generation Steel Plant
Balance and utilization modes for by-product gases of new generation steel plant and approaches to form eco-industrial chains with power generation,cement industry and petrochemical industry are analysed.For a new generation steel plant of 9 Mt per year in capacity a power station of 900 MW could be built to realize electricity self-supply and to play the function of energy conversion through full utilization of by-product gases and integration to power generation,a cement plant of 3.5 Mt/a Portland cement and 800 kt/a cement fine could be constructed to chain with cement industry through recycling of metallurgical slag,and to provide 660 Mm3/a hydrogen for petrochemical industry to form eco-industrial chain or for automobile as clean fuel to realize eco-industrial transformation and to adapt and promote the development of circulative economy in China.