Royal College of Surgeons' Museum, Edinburgh. The occurrence of bilateral thinness of the parieta ones been recognised for many years. Numerous records o 1 ocjc" within the past century but the explanations of it stil ai satisfy. It has been written of as a senile atrop y, as an atrophic condition not necessarily senile, as a congenita e e , as the result of muscular action, and even as o trauma origin. I hope to show that a more universally applicao explanation, one that suits every case and any degree, is a dysplasia of the diploe. There is no question of inJ^' evidence of an inflammatory process; symmetrica ?ccurs in individuals who are neither senile in year senile in body, and its absence in childhood makes t ie " congenital " equivocal. This condition is often spo "symmetrical thinning," ^^.^^^P^^ness6which is Participle presupposes an earlier degree of -n Undergoing progressive diminution. My conten ion never ^e centre of the affected parietal area the ip oe same developed, and this part of the parietal has remaine where c?ndition as the lower parts of the inferior occipi a j;0i0e "1 'he bone is "thin, semi-transparent and dest.tuK-. of *pU> It is, to use a word coined by Sir Gowers^^ ^ "Produced by Keith,38 an abiotrophy, an i P ^ of apparent congenitally but becoming so u Involuntionskrankpowth. Such a conception invalidates iye of atrophy eit of Virchow2 and all exPresslons
A. Keith.
The Nature of Man's Structural Imperfections
D. M. Blair.
A Note on the Post-Coronal Sulcus, with Dissections of the Epicranial Aponeurosis in Two Cases of its Occurrence.
Journal of anatomy.
R. J. Berry.
A Case of Os Parietale Bipartitum in an Australian Aboriginal Skull.
Journal of anatomy and physiology.
G. E. Smith.
The Causation of the Symmetrical Thinning of the Parietal Bones in Ancient Egyptians.
Journal of anatomy and physiology.
F J Shepherd,et al.
Symmetrical Depressions on the Exterior Surface of the Parietal Bones (with Notes of Three Cases).
Journal of anatomy and physiology.
P. Broca.
Sur les trous paritaux et sur la perforation congnitale double et symtrique des paritaux.
G. Humphry.
A Treatise on the Human Skeleton, Including the Joints
Glasgow Medical Journal.
G. Busk,et al.
A Manual of Pathological Anatomy
The British and foreign medico-chirurgical review.