Management of Premature Ejaculation (Shukragata vata) with Erandamoola basti and Vanari kalpa: A Clinical Study

Introduction: Premature ejaculation (PE) is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions in men. Premature ejaculation is characterized with a short ejaculatory latency time, lack of ejaculatory control, decreased satisfaction with sexual intercourse causing interpersonal distress, negative impact on man’s selfesteem, reduced sexual function, and reduced quality of life. In Ayurveda, the problem is discussed under Shukragata vata. Functional approximation Shukra and Vata are quite evident in Ayurvedic principles. Erandamoola is described as the best Vrishya and Vatahara in Charaka Samhita, and Vanari gutika is mentioned for treatment of PE in Bhavprakash Samhita. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Erandamoola basti and Vanari kalpa (granules) in the management of PE. Materials and methods: Forty-five patients with PE were treated with Vanari kalpa granules for 2 months with milk (group II), Erandamoola basti for 16 days followed by Vanari kalpa granules for 2 months with milk (group III), and placebo control with wheat granules for 2 months with milk (group I). Psychological counseling was given to the patients in all the three groups. Results: Patients treated with Erandamoola basti and Vanari kalpa showed significant results against placebo in all the parameters, namely intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT), voluntary control over ejaculation, patient’s and partner’s satisfaction, and performance anxiety. Conclusion: The overall effect of therapy was higher in group III (Erandamoola basti followed by Vanari kalpa granules) with a better percentage of complete remission and marked improvement followed by groups II and I.