Adjustable grid array radiator

Grid array adjustable radiator (20) for a motor (10) having at least one air channel (34), through which you can drive an air stream (30) for penetration of the current in a radiator (14), with a first grid element (40) and a second grid element (42) which are movable relativamenteentre itself to open or close the air channel (34), wherein the first element grid (409 presents a decierre (44) edge which, when the air channel (34) is open, is disposed away from an opposite edge (46) and whenthe air channel (34) is closed, is disposed adjacent the opposite edge wherein the first grid element (40) has a closure element (50) deformable elastically, forming the closing edge (44), wherein elelemento closure (50) has a tubing element (60) of an elastically deformable material, which rodeauna cavity (62) and is designed to modify its volume l least between an open for delcanal air opening (34) and a closed for the closure of the air channel (34), characterized volume volume because the demanguera element (60) is configured so that the closing edge (44 ) and the opposite edge (46) are supported between a basic position Yeson not elastically.