5G-Ready in the Industrial IoT-Environment - Requirements and Needs for IoT Applications from an Industrial Perspective

5G will be a key enabler for future trends in the industry 4.0 environment. Two primary goals exist in this context: The first one regards to complex autonomous automation where ultra-high reliability and low latencies are required for the collaboration between humans and robots. The second one will focus on the Internet of Things (IoT), where vast numbers of connected devices (e.g. sensors and actuators) can communicate with each other. Despite all hypes, 5G is still in development, and most details are not clearly defined yet and far beyond the commercial use.

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[3]  Jeffrey G. Andrews,et al.  What Will 5G Be? , 2014, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.

[4]  Toktam Mahmoodi,et al.  5G IoT Industry Verticals and Network Requirements , 2017, Research Anthology on Developing and Optimizing 5G Networks and the Impact on Society.