What Grant Recipients Are Saying About the Georgia ReLeaf Program
When the City of Ringgold was hit with an F-4 and F-5 tornado back in April of 2011, it was a nightmare. Once daylight came up and we could better see the destruction caused by the tornado we started assessing the damage. Unfortunately, eight lives were lost that will never be replaced … houses and buildings were destroyed … but the trees that were lost could not be described. You could see from one side of town to the other. Within weeks, crews came to rebuild the houses and buildings, but what about the trees? (Georgia ReLeaf) paid for 56 substantive trees to be purchased, and the Parks and Recreation Department planted them in key locations such as parks, playgrounds and rights of way. All of these locations had been seriously destroyed during the tornado….What a difference this has made to our town that we love so much. Thank you for your resources and generosity.