Macro and micro element contents of some herb and condiments.

Mineral contents of several condiment anf herbs were measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES). Potassium contents were found between 7567 (Cinnamon) and 37781 mg/kg (Basil). Also, Ca contents ranged from 549 (turmeric) to 40059 mg/kg (urtica). While Mg contents of condiments change between 649 mg/kg (cinnamon) and 7312 mg/kg (Basil), P contents ranged from 526 mg/kg (turmeric) to 8412 mg/kg (black cumin). The highest and lowest Fe contents were found in balm (781 mg/kg) and rose (36 mg/kg) samples, respectively. While Zn contents of samples change between 5.0 (rose) and 62.1 mg/kg (black cumin, Cu contents ranged from 5.9 (turmeric) to 22.8 mg/kg (basil). The study revealed that investigated edible condiments are good source of P, K, Ca, Mg and Fe.