Internal densitometric gating for digital subtraction angiography.

Motion artifacts create a severe problem in digital subtraction angiography (DSA) studies. Periodic motion can be eliminated by "gating," matching a precontrast mask with a postcontrast image at the same phase position in the cycle. Electrocardiogram (EKG) signals are used in cardiac DSA for this purpose. An alternate method relies on the generation of a density-time curve dependent on the attenuation changes of anatomical motion. A densitometric window placed at an appropriate location records the variation, from which individual images are tagged with phase position information encoded as delay time. Results are similar to the EKG gating method for cardiac DSA when using an appropriate window location. Periodic motion caused by superimposed respiration can be suppressed by tracking diaphragm or other object attenuation changes with the same algorithms. Using these techniques permits the nonarbitrary matching of mask and contrast images without physiologic monitoring. The techniques are straightforward and relatively easy to implement on systems designed for rapid digital imaging.