EOR modeling study applied to Ainsa

Taking into account the characteristics of the reservoir and the fluid in place, the objective of this study is to find the optimal parameters to improve the total oil recovery in the Ainsa reservoir by setting up a production sequence based on improved water flood by the application of chemical processes. This study begins with a bibliographic revision to set up the constraints and the assumptions for the different chemical models. Numerical modeling is used to evaluate the efficiency of the applied injection processes. As most of the parameters are in general poorly known at reservoir scale, several hypotheses is tested in order to analyze their impacts over the final results. Finally, the most viable and profitable method in terms of final recovery is identified after evaluating different chemical systems as polymer, surfactant, alkaline-surfactant (AS), surfactant-polymer (SP) and alkaline-surfactant-polymer (ASP). A summary of the geology and the reservoir characteristics is introduced. The main part of this report deals with simulations of the different chemical treatments. Finally, by the comparison of the evaluated systems, the best enhanced oil recovery is obtained by an injection of a mobility control agent (Polymer), with a final recovery of 30% OOIP. Geosciences Division IFP Energies nouvelles – 1 et 4 avenue de Bois-Préau – 92852 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex – France – 2 – E-mail diffusion list: Number of copies O. Vizika-Kavvadias(R1600R) F. Roggero (R1640R) M. Le Ravalec (R1610R) F. Delprat-Jannaud (C0800R) V. Richard (C0800R) E. Manceau (C0800R) A. Fourno (R1640R) C. Preux (R1640R) O. Lerat (E0110R) N. Sallee (R1610R) P. Rasolofosaon (R1610R) F. Douarche (R1640R) D. Sinoquet (R1160R) V. Gervais (R1640R)