Remarkable CO2 Reduction of the Fixed Point Fishing Plug-in Hybrid Boat

It is quantitatively shown that this fishing system using a plug-in hybrid fishing boat (PHEB) provides an outstanding CO₂ reduction performance of more than 80 % compared with the simple diesel engine operation. This research has been conducted at the fishing area around a detached fishing island, Nushima, Japan. Based on the actual fuel consumption patterns of fishing by the fishermen, the quantitative analysis of daily fuel consumption was performed. The remarkable reduction of oil consumption is due to the high efficiency of the electric motor and the idling stop function during fixed fishing operation. The population of Nushima is 500 and 162 fishing boats are in daily operation. Among them, 117 boats (72 %) are working daily as a kind of fixed point fishing. When the access velocity and the return velocity of 30 minutes totally is decided, the daily fuel consumption by fixed position fishing is determined. It is also determined based on the actual fishing data that fixed point fishing is 8 hours daily in average. Using the CO₂ reduction result of 80 % in this study for the fixed point fishing operation, it is expected that 468 kL (20 L X 117 boats X 250 days X 0.8) of the fuel and 1,220 ton-CO₂ can be reduced annually. In Japan, about such 50,000 boats are fishing. So even in Japan, the total amount of CO₂ reduction expected can reach 61,000 tons annually. This research has been conducted as part of the newly developed S2G two-way electricity transportation system (from ship to grid and from grid to ship) using the PHEB to prove the effective use of renewable energy for ship propulsion and successful reduction of CO₂ emission under the research program of "Empirical study of the independence distribution energy system technology based on DC technology in a detached island and a fishing village" financed by the Ministry of Environment of Japan subsidy 2014-2016.