Integration of stereotactic ultrasonic data into an interactive image-guided neurosurgical system
Stereotactic ultrasound can be incorporated into an interactive, image-guide neurosurgical system by using an optical position sensor to define the location of an intraoperative scanner in physical space. A C-program has been developed that communicates with the OptotrakTM system developed by Northern Digital Inc. to optically track the three-dimensional position and orientation of a fan-shaped area defined with respect to a hand-held probe. (i.e., a virtual B-mode ultrasound fan beam) Volumes of CT and MR head scans from the same patient are registered to a location in physical space using a point-based technique. The coordinates of the virtual fan beam in physical space are continuously calculated and updated on-the-fly. During each program loop, the CT and MR data volumes are reformatted along the same plane and displayed as two fan-shaped images that correspond to the current physical-space location of the virtual fan beam. When the reformatted preoperative tomographic images are eventually paired with a real-time intraoperative ultrasound image, a neurosurgeon will be able to use the unique information of each imaging modality (e.g., the high resolution and tissue contrast of CT and MR and the real-time functionality of ultrasound) in a complementary manner to identify structures in the brain more easily and to guide surgical procedures more effectively.
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