Secure Bluetooth services in an m-learning environment

The paper describes an M-Learning system, implemented on the J2ME platform, that uses Bluetooth wireless networks in a Piconets architecture to offer services for mobile devices. The access to these services is made possible by using Bluetooth capabilities of a mobile device that is part of an distributed system. The paper analyzes the security aspect of accessing the Bluetooth service from a CIA, Confidentiality, Integrity and Authenticity, point of view. There are described the security options implemented by the Bluetooth Protocol, as described in JSR 82, [11], for the J2ME platform. The paper proposes a secure architecture, for the J2ME platform, that authenticates users and their devices, in a unique manner, without using devices IMEI, International Mobile Equipment Identity. The proposed secure architecture is described as the security core of an M-Learning system that provides Bluetooth services.