Effect size guidelines for individual differences researchers

[1]  Darya L. Zabelina,et al.  Mind full of ideas: A meta-analysis of the mindfulness–creativity link , 2016 .

[2]  Matthias Stadler,et al.  Complex problem solving and intelligence. A meta-analysis , 2015 .

[3]  Kyung Ryung Kim,et al.  The relationship between procrastination and academic performance: A meta-analysis , 2015 .

[4]  Benedikt Hell,et al.  Interests and intelligence: A meta-analysis , 2015 .

[5]  Jin-Liang Wang,et al.  A meta-analysis of the trait resilience and mental health , 2015 .

[6]  Jie-Tsuen Huang,et al.  Relationships between individual-level factors and burnout: A meta-analysis of Chinese participants , 2015 .

[7]  Bennett E. Postlethwaite,et al.  Big five personality and academic dishonesty: A meta-analytic review. , 2015 .

[8]  A. Vedel,et al.  The Big Five and tertiary academic performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. , 2014 .

[9]  R. Bond,et al.  The relationship between materialism and personal well-being: A meta-analysis. , 2014, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[10]  D. Kong Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT/MEIS) and overall, verbal, and nonverbal intelligence: Meta-analytic evidence and critical contingencies , 2014 .

[11]  C. A. Baker,et al.  Eyes and IQ: A meta-analysis of the relationship between intelligence and “Reading the Mind in the Eyes” , 2014 .

[12]  R. Dishman,et al.  Personality And Physical Activity: A Systematic Review And Meta-analysis , 2014 .

[13]  G. Banks,et al.  A Meta-Analytic Review of the Dark Triad-Intelligence Connection , 2013 .

[14]  W. Bleidorn,et al.  The divided self and psychological (mal) adjustment – A meta-analytic review , 2013 .

[15]  Anna Gorrese,et al.  Peer attachment and self-esteem: A meta-analytic review , 2013 .

[16]  M. Whisman,et al.  Gender differences in rumination: A meta-analysis. , 2013, Personality and individual differences.

[17]  Gene M. Alarcon,et al.  Great expectations: A meta-analytic examination of optimism and hope , 2013 .

[18]  C. Sibley,et al.  Dangerous and competitive worldviews: A meta-analysis of their associations with Social Dominance Orientation and Right-Wing Authoritarianism , 2013 .

[19]  U. Orth,et al.  Does low self-esteem predict depression and anxiety? A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. , 2013, Psychological bulletin.

[20]  C. Sibley,et al.  Personality and political orientation: Meta‐analysis and test of a threat‐constraint model. , 2012 .

[21]  Heather A. Finnegan,et al.  Orthogonal dreams in an oblique world: A meta-analysis of the association between attachment anxiety and avoidance , 2012 .

[22]  C. Abraham,et al.  Psychological correlates of university students' academic performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis. , 2012, Psychological bulletin.

[23]  S. Rosenthal,et al.  Further evidence of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory’s validity problems: A meta-analytic investigation—Response to Miller, Maples, and Campbell (this issue) , 2011 .

[24]  R. Riggio,et al.  Who emerges as a leader? Meta-analyses of individual differences as predictors of leadership emergence , 2011 .

[25]  Johannes Hönekopp,et al.  Meta-analysis of the relationship between digit-ratio 2D:4D and aggression , 2011 .

[26]  Angela L. Duckworth,et al.  A Meta-Analysis of the Convergent Validity of Self-Control Measures. , 2011, Journal of research in personality.

[27]  Traci Sitzmann,et al.  A meta-analysis of self-regulated learning in work-related training and educational attainment: what we know and where we need to go. , 2011, Psychological bulletin.

[28]  Judith A. Hall,et al.  Intelligence and interpersonal sensitivity: A meta-analysis , 2011 .

[29]  A. Van Hiel,et al.  The relationship between social-cultural attitudes and behavioral measures of cognitive style: a meta-analytic integration of studies. , 2010, Journal of personality.

[30]  Estelle M. Morin,et al.  A comprehensive meta-analysis of the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and health , 2010 .

[31]  Paul D. Ellis,et al.  The essential guide to effect sizes : statistical power, meta-analysis, and the interpretation of research results , 2010 .

[32]  Michael A. McDaniel,et al.  Smarter people are (a bit) more symmetrical: A meta-analysis of the relationship between intelligence and fluctuating asymmetry , 2010 .

[33]  J. Nijenhuis,et al.  The General Factor of Personality: A meta-analysis of Big Five intercorrelations and a criterion-related validity study , 2010 .

[34]  Einar B. Thorsteinsson,et al.  The Five-Factor Model of personality and relationship satisfaction of intimate partners: A meta-analysis , 2010 .

[35]  D. Balliet Conscientiousness and forgivingness: A meta-analysis , 2010 .

[36]  Hillary Anger Elfenbein,et al.  The Relationship between Displaying and Perceiving Nonverbal Cues of Affect: A Meta-Analysis to Solve an Old Mystery , 2009, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[37]  Johannes Hönekopp,et al.  A meta-analysis on 2D:4D and athletic prowess : substantial relationships but neither hand out-predicts the other , 2010 .

[38]  Ryo Okada A meta-analytic review of the relation between self-esteem level and self-esteem instability , 2010 .

[39]  M. Voracek,et al.  Digit ratio (2D:4D) and sensation seeking: New data and meta-analysis , 2010 .

[40]  Tamara L. Giluk Mindfulness, Big Five personality, and affect: A meta-analysis , 2009 .

[41]  Jay Belsky,et al.  The relations between parents' Big Five personality factors and parenting: a meta-analytic review. , 2009, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[42]  M. Banaji,et al.  PREDICTIVE VALIDITY OF THE IAT 1 RUNNING HEAD : PREDICTIVE VALIDITY OF THE IAT Understanding and Using the Implicit Association Test : III . Meta-analysis of Predictive Validity , 2006 .

[43]  A. Poropat A meta-analysis of the five-factor model of personality and academic performance. , 2009, Psychological bulletin.

[44]  J. P. Rushton,et al.  A General Factor of Personality (GFP) from two meta-analyses of the Big Five: Digman (1997) and Mount, Barrick, Scullen, and Rounds (2005) , 2008 .

[45]  Noah A. Shamosh,et al.  Delay Discounting and Intelligence: A Meta-Analysis. , 2008 .

[46]  Bruce Thompson,et al.  Computing and Interpreting Effect Sizes, Confidence Intervals, and Confidence Intervals for Effect Sizes , 2008 .

[47]  J. Suls,et al.  Are implicit and explicit measures of self-esteem related? A meta-analysis for the Name-Letter Test , 2008 .

[48]  Christoph Randler,et al.  Gender differences in morningness–eveningness assessed by self-report questionnaires: A meta-analysis , 2007 .

[49]  J. Connor-Smith,et al.  Relations between personality and coping: a meta-analysis. , 2007, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[50]  Tarmo Strenze Intelligence and socioeconomic success: A meta-analytic review of longitudinal research ☆ , 2007 .

[51]  R. Robins,et al.  PERSONALITY PROCESSES AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES Personality Predictors of Academic Outcomes: Big Five Correlates of GPA and SAT Scores , 2007 .

[52]  Edgar Erdfelder,et al.  G*Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences , 2007, Behavior research methods.

[53]  J. Malouff,et al.  A meta-analytic investigation of the relationship between emotional intelligence and health , 2007 .

[54]  J. Frattaroli Experimental disclosure and its moderators: a meta-analysis. , 2006, Psychological bulletin.

[55]  Linda R. Tropp,et al.  A meta-analytic test of intergroup contact theory. , 2006, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[56]  V. Benet‐Martínez,et al.  Personality and the prediction of consequential outcomes. , 2006, Annual review of psychology.

[57]  Judith A. Hall,et al.  Nonverbal behavior and the vertical dimension of social relations: a meta-analysis. , 2005, Psychological bulletin.

[58]  P. Ackerman,et al.  Extraversion and intelligence: A meta-analytic investigation , 2005 .

[59]  Michael A. McDaniel Big-brained people are smarter: A meta-analysis of the relationship between in vivo brain volume and intelligence , 2005 .

[60]  B. Roberts,et al.  Conscientiousness and health-related behaviors: a meta-analysis of the leading behavioral contributors to mortality. , 2004, Psychological bulletin.

[61]  Vassilis Saroglou,et al.  Values and religiosity: A meta-analysis of studies using Schwartz's model , 2004 .

[62]  T. Postmes,et al.  Intergroup distinctiveness and differentiation: a meta-analytic integration. , 2004, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[63]  Kristy J. Lauver,et al.  Do psychosocial and study skill factors predict college outcomes? A meta-analysis. , 2004, Psychological bulletin.

[64]  Wendelien van Eerde,et al.  A meta-analytically derived nomological network of procrastination , 2003 .

[65]  J. Hemphill,et al.  Interpreting the magnitudes of correlation coefficients. , 2003, The American psychologist.

[66]  Vassilis Saroglou,et al.  Religion and the five factors of personality: a meta-analytic review , 2002 .

[67]  J. Kranzler,et al.  Meta-analysis of the relationship between intelligence and inspection time , 2001 .

[68]  M. Fishbein,et al.  Theories of reasoned action and planned behavior as models of condom use: a meta-analysis. , 2001, Psychological bulletin.

[69]  Sarah A. Hezlett,et al.  A comprehensive meta-analysis of the predictive validity of the graduate record examinations: implications for graduate student selection and performance. , 2001, Psychological bulletin.

[70]  Chockalingam Viswesvaran,et al.  The role of affectivity in job satisfaction: a meta-analysis , 2000 .

[71]  Leland Wilkinson,et al.  Statistical Methods in Psychology Journals Guidelines and Explanations , 2005 .

[72]  C Abraham,et al.  Psychosocial correlates of heterosexual condom use: a meta-analysis. , 1999, Psychological bulletin.

[73]  R. Bornstein Interpersonal Dependency and Physical Illness: A Meta-Analytic Review of Retrospective and Prospective Studies ☆ ☆☆ , 1998 .

[74]  T. Postmes,et al.  Deindividuation and antinormative behavior: A meta-analysis. , 1998 .

[75]  J. Bonta,et al.  The prediction of criminal and violent recidivism among mentally disordered offenders: a meta-analysis. , 1998, Psychological bulletin.

[76]  G. Andersson The benefits of optimism: A meta-analytic review of the life orientation test , 1996 .

[77]  Steven P. Brown A meta-analysis and review of organizational research on job involvement. , 1996 .



[80]  J. Weisz,et al.  Parental caregiving and child externalizing behavior in nonclinical samples: a meta-analysis. , 1994, Psychological bulletin.

[81]  S. Cohen,et al.  Depression and immunity: a meta-analytic review. , 1993, Psychological bulletin.

[82]  Jacob Cohen,et al.  A power primer. , 1992, Psychological bulletin.

[83]  Vernon C. Hall,et al.  Does performance on memory for order correlate with performance on standardized measures of ability? A meta-analysis , 1992 .

[84]  N. Ambady,et al.  Thin slices of expressive behavior as predictors of interpersonal consequences: A meta-analysis. , 1992 .

[85]  J. Mathieu,et al.  A review and meta-analysis of the antecedents, correlates, and consequences of organizational commitment , 1990 .

[86]  P. Lachenbruch Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed.) , 1989 .

[87]  A. Jensen,et al.  Inspection time and intelligence: A meta-analysis , 1989 .

[88]  R. Bornstein Exposure and affect: Overview and meta-analysis of research, 1968–1987. , 1989 .

[89]  Gershon Ben-Shakhar,et al.  The predictive validity of graphological inferences: A meta-analytic approach , 1989 .

[90]  J. Suls,et al.  The relation between type A behavior and chronic emotional distress: a meta-analysis. , 1989, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[91]  D. Matsumoto The role of facial response in the experience of emotion: more methodological problems and a meta-analysis. , 1987, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[92]  P. Sweeney,et al.  Attributional style in depression: a meta-analytic review. , 1986, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[93]  B. Mullen Strength and immediacy of sources: A meta-analytic evaluation of the forgotten elements of social impact theory. , 1985 .

[94]  Michelle T. Iaffaldano,et al.  Job satisfaction and job performance: A meta-analysis. , 1985 .

[95]  M. Donahue Intrinsic and extrinsic religiousness: Review and meta-analysis. , 1985 .

[96]  B. Whitley Sex role orientation and self-esteem: a critical meta-analytic review. , 1983, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[97]  C. B. Holmes Sample Size in Psychological Research , 1979 .