The article presents pr ocess application of the rapi d prototyping (RP) for manufacturing of blades of aircraft turbine in mono- crystallization and also directional crystallization of casting process. It is describing the method of modelling of the chosen elements of casting model kit with the usage of RP and RT system s. The article presents the analysis of additive rapid prototyping methods (stereolithography) in an aspect of manu facturing of casting models. The possibilities of RP system us age to the ceramic form were the main criteria of the analysis. The ceramic form is a one of the parts of process casting of monocrystal blade of aircraft engine. In t he article the possibilities making of models by means of rapid t ooling system based on the Vacuum Casting (VC) technology were als o analysed. The Vacuum Casting technology allows producing the silicone mold under decreasing pressure. Silicone tools all ow creating wax casting models as a vacuum casting process, casting process and low pres sure of injection. R apid prototyping and rapid tooling technologies allow creating cas ting wax models of a blade and other parts of casting models. RP and RT methods allow creating connectors of the parts. These connectors allow connecting the parts of model kit in a fast and simple method. The stereolithography and Vacuum Casting allow accelerating proces s of manufacturing of monocrystal blades of aircraft engines.