Global Dynamic Operation
Abstract : To avoid potential military disasters from such competition, the concept of Global Dynamic Operations (GDO) envisions a centrally controlled or coordinated aerospace campaign that employs globally capable low density-high demand (LD-HD) aerospace assets in a global, multitheater environment. Theater JFACCs would continue to control more traditional shorter-range aerospace weapon systems. GDO suggests the development of an organizational solution to the problem of employing LD-HD assets in more than one theater simultaneously. At present, during a multitheater conflict, these assets would be parceled out to theater JFACCs and controlled primarily by "gentlemen's agreements" between theater commanders in chief. This may not be the most efficient and effective way to employ the globally capable weapon systems of the future. GDO, on the other hand, involves centralized command and control of these assets through a global force air component commander (GFACC), who might be a part of Strategic Command, Joint Forces Command, or even the Joint Chiefs of Staff, although other command arrangements are certainly possible. As the world shrinks due to increasingly capable aerospace technologies, aerospace campaigns will inevitably take on a more global complexion. In the future, some form of Global Dynamic Operations may become not only more necessary but inevitable.