Apparatus and method for handling emergency situation of wheel chair a passenger

Emergency of the wheelchair occupant is processing apparatus and method is disclosed. Emergency processing apparatus, or provided so that a passenger boarding in a wheelchair can carry a device that is adapted to be mounted to the wheelchair, the data to obtain a data packet from a wheelchair apparatus including a wheelchair acquisition module according to an exemplary embodiment , data for classifying a data packet to the bio-signal measurement packet, status measurement packet, and the bio-signal analysis packet and by correcting the data value of the bio-electrical signal measurement packet and a status measurement packet generates a biological signal measuring the effective packets and status measurement valid packet a processing module, receives the physiological signal measuring valid packet, the situation measured valid packet, and the bio-signal analysis of packets from a data processing module, and the bio-signal measurement valid packet, the situation measured valid packet, and based on the bio-signal analysis packet on board the wheelchair to determine whether an emergency occupant emergency information judge Include an emergency response module to perform the notification process according to the degree of emergency, according to the emergency situation to generate recognition module, and an emergency information is determined.